LB Specialities is professionally managed company formed by experienced people from the Specialty Gases and Chemicals Industry. We are committed to providing service to industries like Medical, Electronic, R & D, Refrigeration, Automotive and Petrochemicals & Refineries. It also provides services to many other industrial applications and its emerging needs caused by the changing market scenario and technological advances.
Speciality Gases & Chemicals
Call Us Now: +91 98204 07317

Excimer Laser Gas
We represent Nova Gas Technologies - USA for its entire range of Products, in India & subcontinent and are the sole distributor in the region.
We import and supply you the product in India on local terms and conditions.
Excimer Laser Mixture are available for various applications like Lasik Surgery, Diamond marking and Scientific Lasers

LB Specialities is focussed on emerging technologies which use “Environmental friendly, Hydrocarbon based refrigerants” to improve efficiency in refrigeration cycle. These refrigerants not only conserve power for the consumer, but also reduces the compressor failure rate significantly.
We deliver refrigerants manufactured by one of the best European producer.

Calibration Gas
Calibration Standards and Traceable gases for Refineries, petrochemicals and Process Chemical Industries are provided in various cylinder sizes.
Traceable Emission Gas Standards for the calibration of the instruments of automotive industry and pollution monitoring systems are also supplied to enable them to comply with National & International Emission Standards.